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Quality System

Quality system:

The company follows concept of quality by design ,From the comprehensive consideration of product technology development, research, process design, equipment selection, automatic control operation, etc., and to ensure the high quality, low impurities, and high purity of the product; a complete and advanced cGMP system has been established to ensure the stable quality of product production performance, reliability and sustainability; conduct in-depth research on product quality, establish a complete and comprehensive clear product impurity file to ensure product impurity control, especially effective control of genotoxic impurities; gradually promote each product in the world Multi-country certification and registration (US FDA, Australia TGA, EU EU GMP, European CEP, Mexico Cofepris, Brazil ANVISA, Japan PMDA, WHO and other certifications), to prepare for normalization of on-site audits for governments and customers of various countries.

Sales department contact information:
Manufacturing address:
No. 9, Weiyi Road, Hangzhou Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province,China
Tel: +86-13967123387,13588080268
Sales office address:No.288,shixin south Road,xiaoshan,Hangzhou,Zhejiang
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